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My Children

My Children

Given to Randy Schroeder 10/9/02


The vision that accompanied the following prophecy was one of God's people being led upon a narrow walkway to the edge of a fiery, bubbling hole with various caverns in it. Then as the believer was looking down into this boiling volcanic-looking abyss, a dark angel arose that towered over the believer in size and strength. Then, as the Lord started speaking about being our protection, I saw the radiance of God's glory in the form of light rays and then solid, blinding light. When I received this, I wanted to pray for the Lord to have mercy upon these believers but the Lord put a check in my spirit and told me not to pray for mercy but to only pray that it would be done quickly.


My Children, My Children, My Children,

Walk the straight path. Walk the narrow path.

For if you don't, I will show you.

I will take you right along the sides of, and show you the depths of hell.

And out of the depths of hell will come those that are black and dark and three times as large as you.

And you will have no defense because you will be off the path that you have been chosen to walk.

But my purpose is to show you my grace and my majesty.

For I will be exalted.

And I will put underneath my feet, and underneath your feet, if you walk in these paths, every tongue that comes

against you and every demon that would spit at you and everyone that would hiss at you.

And I will be exalted.

For my son's sake, I will not let anything touch you.

But you must walk in the ways I have given unto you to walk.

I will be glorified in your life and on this earth.


For I have given you heavenly guard.

And I have given you alliances that are holy.

They are about you, and around you, and watch you and protect you.

And they minister unto you.

Be discerning in the Spirit that I have given to you to know how and when you should react strongly. And when you should come with a kind word.

Have mercy and grace upon my people. But take a strong right arm and a stand when I tell you and when I show you

the enemy who would have your soul.


Woe unto you who have no fear (of Me or My WORD). For the fear of the Lord is beginning of wisdom.

And without wisdom you will fall. You will fall into every trap that the enemy lays.

And you will wallow in that which you have created and that which you have walked in.

But you will also be blessed in that which you have planted good seed.

So walk in the places where I have commanded you.

Seek me. Seek me and I will be found.

But you must seek me now, because there will be a time when I will not be found.

Once you have made those (wrong) choices, you will not find my face.

For I will turn away from you.

And you will struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle until it is my time to deliver you.


You think that I have called you out of a church system,

But I have called you out of this world.

I am a jealous God. And I have called you unto me and to me alone to know my ways and do my ways.

Follow the narrow path. Come unto me.

Put on the whole armor. Put on the whole armor.

Oh, don't go uncovered. Do not go uncovered


And I will be there. I will be you strength and your shield.

Fear not. For if you are walking in my way and in my will,

I will be your strength. I will be your shield.

And, I will not lead you by the bad way, but by the way to my blessing, my hand, my presence.