Overcoming the Fear Within Introduction

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The alarm clock showed 3:45 AM as I abruptly awoke with my ears ringing and my body trembling to the ominous feeling of evil. The hairs on the back of my neck and arm stood straight out as I sensed the approach of something I couldn't see. I tried to reason that this had to be my imagination triggered by my utter exhaustion from the depression, sleepless nights and pain in my sides. But this wasn't the first time, and then my torso began quivering without control as the stomach acid built up in my burning throat. The evil came closer and closer until the pain shot through me like I'd been hit with a high powered electric shock. I threatened, commanded and cried out for the help of Jesus, but was overcome with fear as I was wracked with pain and torment.

While the preceding account may sound like the screenplay for a horror movie, I assure you that this happened to me – again and again for nearly two years as the Lord opened my understanding. Medical practitioners and religious leaders generally agree that the three most common and traumatic shocks we can receive are the death of a loved one, divorce, and the loss of a job. These and other traumatic events trigger the fears within us and if not resolved, cause a variety of physical, psychological and spiritual maladies. The manifestations listed above were but a few of the symptoms that came upon me after I had experienced the trauma of having my job eliminated at 53 years of age.

Generational heritages and unknown fears from my childhood and beyond were revealed under the purifying fire of God's testings. As you'll soon understand, I was tormented by two of the three primary ruling spirits of fear: the fear of man and the fear of death. These two principle fears include such fears as the fear of: identity loss, rejection, poverty, reproach, etc. As these fears became dominant over a long period of time, my immune system was compromised and my thinking impaired so that I was faced with even more fears like the fear of: insanity, debilitation, even greater illness, abandonment and many more.

Through this time of torment, God's Holy Spirit revealed how to overcome my fears and begin walking in the newness of His revealed truth. The truths I share in this book will help you understand and overcome your fears as well. This is not an attempt to apply the principles of man's understanding, psychology or psychiatry. Although I have included some of my experiences, it is also not a diary, but rather a roadmap to freedom through the knowledge and practice of the revealed Word of God.

God's Word says that in the last days, great fear will cause men's hearts to fail. Some of these failing hearts will be among the very brethren who look forward to Jesus' second coming unless the bride of Christ will make herself ready. We don't have to be the victim of fear and perish for our lack of knowledge. Today, more than ever before, we need to search the scriptures to provide answers for our world and ourselves.

My prayer is that you would stop and ask Father God to anoint you and allow the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. As you read the pages that follow, I pray that He would open your understanding, enable you to embrace the truths of God's Word, and deliver you from all bondages of fear and the infirmities rooted therein. May God bless you and "may you prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers."

Randy Schroeder


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